Vietville, Palawan, The Philippine

Viet Ville was a housing complex built in 1997 to house Vietnamese refugees after the refugee camp in Palawan closed. In 2005, a film crew led by filmmaker Duc Nguyen came to the Philippines and made a visit to Vietville. During this time many of the Vietnamese stateless people in the Philippines were being processed to be resettled in the United States or other countries. Shortly after our visit the majority of the residents left Vietville for the West.

Lễ Vu Lan (Buddha Birthday Ceremony) in Manila

The Stateless Vietnamese community in the Philippines celebrated Buddha's birthday in Manila in 2005 with a ceremony and entertainment.

Music Montage of Stateless

A video montage of Stateless Vietnamese Trong Nguyen in the Philippines with the music of Trinh Cong Son, performed by Tinh Mahoney.


  1. James Pangilinan Academic Paper- Screening Subjects: Humanitarian Government and the Politics of Asylum at Palawan. READ PAPER
  2. Summary of the Stateless Vietnamese in the Philippines by VOICE (Vietnamese Overseas Initiative Conscience Empowerment) the legal aid center in the Manila. READ DOCUMENT
  3. Citizenship and Immigration Canada Plan to Facilitate Immigration of Vietnamese in the Philippines READ DOCUMENT